Green Certification

With the use of a GPS unit in each vehicle, LTI limo receives an alert if one of our vehicles has idled for more than 5 minutes.
LTI limo has added a line of Flex-Fuel vehicles to our fleet. Our chauffeurs have been equipped with GPS navigational devices to utilize the most direct routes to and from locations, eliminating unnecessary mileage. Over the past year, LTI has decreased its overall fuel consumption by 30%.
LTI Limo has introduced a comprehensive and customized Recycling and Energy Saving Program:
- All paper, plastic, and glass products are recycled
- All computers, printers, and office equipment are turned off when not in use.
- All lights are turned off in areas which are not being used
- A Paperless Office Environment
- Use of energy star compliance products
- Use of New Vehicle Technologies
LTI has installed an in-house car wash which through a state of the art filtration system recycles the water used to clean our vehicles. Each week our building maintenance manager walks through our entire facility, evaluating each area and identifying potential sources of pollution and ways to prevent it. All water sources in our facility, including the car wash, are checked for leaks during this walk through.
LTI Limo Worldwide: “Doing Business what is Good For America, and Our World.”